
Helping You To Help Your Pet Live A Healthy & Happy Life!

How to start feeding your dog & cat RAW

How to start feeding your dog & cat RAW

How to start feeding your dog & cat RAWIf you are thinking about feeding a raw food diet to your dog, cat, or both, it can be quite overwhelming, especially with the myriad of information out there on Google, Facebook groups and the like. Feeding a raw food diet...

When to introduce your kitten to RAW BONES

When to introduce your kitten to RAW BONES

When to introduce your kitten to RAW BONESKittens commence the weaning process from about the age of 3-4 weeks. It is from this age, that their little digestive systems are now capable of handling solid foods and they can be introduced to a raw food diet, including...

The run down on feeding RAW

The run down on feeding RAW

The run down on feeding RAW Feeding a fresh raw food diet to your pet is very achievable if you know how. As a pet nutritionist, I find that many pet owners fit into one or more of the following categories. Can you relate to any of the below? You are wanting to get...

Keeping Your Pets Stress Free During The SILLY SEASON

Keeping Your Pets Stress Free During The SILLY SEASON

Keeping your pets stress free during the SILLY SEASONChristmas is supposed to be a time of celebration where we spend time with family and friends and hopefully have a bit of time off work to rest and recoup, but the lead up to Christmas can be a super stressful time....



How to interpret pet food ingredientsDo you know what the list of ingredients actually mean on the back of your pets kibble or canned food? If the answer is no, you are definitely not alone. The majority of pet owners rely solely on the brilliant marketing techniques...

Keeping the peace in a MULTI-CAT HOUSE

Keeping the peace in a MULTI-CAT HOUSE

Keeping the peace in a multi-cat house"You make me so very happy When you cuddle up and go to sleep beside me And then you make me slightly mad When you pee all over my Chippendale suiteā€ Freddie Mercury One of the biggest issues with a multi-cat household is spraying...

How to provide a balanced diet when feeding RAW

How to provide a balanced diet when feeding RAW

How to provide a balanced diet when feeding RAWIt is important to provide your dog and cat with a complete and balanced diet so that their nutritional needs are met. However, you may be surprised to know that it is not required at each meal. As long as your pet...

How to have a happy dog 6 USEFUL TIPS

How to have a happy dog 6 USEFUL TIPS

If you want a happy dog, then get ready to implement my easy to follow 6 top tips guaranteed to help you to help your dog live a healthy and happy life